Are you struggling to understand which Clicktools question types to use when?
Then why not use the Question guide to help you understand when to use which question type.
Are you struggling to understand which Clicktools question types to use when?
Then why not use the Question guide to help you understand when to use which question type.
I am often asked about including surveys in emails. There are several ways of doing this and we could (and people do) argue for a long long time about the rights and wrong of each approach. Obviously, some people's email readers block any form of html so the ony guaranteed way to esnure your link gets through is to send it as a pure link. If, however, you do want to use html or place a survey in email, These are my preferred three options.
Option 1: Hide complex links within a "Click Here" (or similar) link - EASY, LOW RISK.
This option doesn't duplicate any of the survey in an email BUT usefully hides long and unwieldy links under something that a) takes up less space and b) won't be broken. To do this you need to use a HREF statement. The following example html code will place a link in an email displaying click here and, when clicked on, will take the user to the survey. This should work in most emails but some text only email readers may not display the link.
-- example code begins --
<a href="SURVEY LINK HERE">Click Here</a>
-- example code ends --
There is a great site (W3 Schools) that enables you to learn and play with html. To try the HREF example click the following link:
Option 2: Include one or two questions in the email and then take them to the complete survey - DIFFICULT, MEDIUM RISK
Now for something a little more tricky. This option involves coding some html to duplicate question(s) in a survey. Clicking on a button (or link) then takes the user to the survey and auto-populates the answers.
This involves building a html form that presents the question(s) and you can only generate four question types: Text, Radio, Pulldown and Checkbox. In the example code below we present one question (the Net Promoter question) in the html. Note the use of a 'hidden' field that records the SURVEY CODE. This is the 15 digit code that is at the end of a Clicktools survey link. Each of the input options presents a value and passes a corresponding value across to Q1 in a Clicktools survey. Finally, the Input type at the bottom of the code presents a button that actually transfers the answers and presents the rest of the survey to the user. This should work in most emails but obviously will not work if people accept text only.
Please Note: The Code below only works with Anonymous URLs.
-- example code begins --
<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="iv" value="SURVEY CODE HERE">
<strong>Where 0 is 'Not at all' and 10 is 'Extremely'. how likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?</strong>
<table border=0>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="1"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="2"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="3"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="4"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="5"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="6"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="7"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="8"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="9"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="10"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="q1" value="11"></td>
<input type="submit" name="OK" value="Submit">
-- example code ends
Again, look at the W3 site for more instructions:
Paste the above code in to one of the example windows to see how this looks.
Option 3: Include the whole survey completely in the email - EASY, HIGH RISK
If you want to actually include the survey in the body of the email itself you can use what is called an IFRAME. This quite simple to do as the code below shows.
Paste the following html in to an email template, replacing the SURVEYLINK with your own survey link and, obviously, test!... Note: Active content in email is increasingly becoming blocked by email readers so this approach will NOT work in some email readers (e.g. where IE security settings are set to HIGH.). If you use this option I would recommend including a link as well at the top of the page giving people an alternative should they not be able to see the survey.
-- example code begins --
<p> Introductory text here </p>
<iframe src ="SURVEY LINK HERE" width="100%" height="400" frameborder="no" scrolling="yes"> </iframe>
-- example code ends --
You can change the settings (width, height etc.) to find the right setting for your survey. Again, there is a W3Schools page where you can test the html to see how your survey would look in an email:
Below is a list of all the field types in Salesforce with a recommendation of what question types to use to populate these types:
Salesforce Field Type | Recommendation | Alternative/Notes |
Auto Number | Not possible | |
Formula | Not possible | |
Master-Detail Relationship | Text | NOTE: A Salesforce ID MUST BE USED to create/update any reference field. |
Lookup Relationship | Text | NOTE: A Salesforce ID MUST BE USED to create/update any reference field. |
Checkbox | Checkbox NOTE: Please see earlier blog posting here. | Radio. |
Currency | Number | |
Date | Date | Date completed option. NOTE: You cannot create/update the Date created or modified fields in Salesforce. |
Date/Time | Date | Date/Time completed. NOTE: You cannot create/update the Date created or modified fields in Salesforce. |
Text, Multi-text | ||
Number | Number, Radio/Drop with Numeric choices in the question. NOTE: Clicktools passes numbers across with TWO decimal places so formatting in salesforce must be set to this to work correctly. | Multi-numeric |
Percent | Percent, Multi-percent | Number |
Phone | Number | Text, Multi-text |
Picklist | Radio, Dropdown, Multi-radio, Multi-dropdown | |
Picklist (Multi-Select) | Checkbox, Multi-checkbox | |
Text | Text, Multi-text | Any other question type except Essay |
Text Area | Text, Multi-text | Any other question type except Essay |
Text Area (Long) | Essay | Any other question type |
URL | Text, Multi-text |
If you have any questions about specific mappings, drop us an email...
A great example of three-way on-demand integration is Clicktools integration with Angel provides an on-demand IVR tool and we have built an integration that transfers results directly from IVR phone based surveys in to Clicktools which can then, obviously, go in to Salesforce (any object!).
The basic use case is:
At the same time, an email survey could be sent to cases closed through that channel. Responses to both the email and IVR survey can be collected in the same survey in Clicktools - hey presto, a seamless, real-time multi-channel feedback environment enabling you to compare and contrast support levels across different channels.
To have a look at the demo:
This is all seamless and all in real-time, integrating three enterprise strength software tools in minutes. You gotta LOVE on demand software!
Wendy Close, ex Gartner Analyst and Salesforce CRM guru (aka 'Ask Wendy'), has included Clicktools in her cool tools list...
As your local Blockbuster is unlikely to have it in stock for a while, the Top Ten AppExchange Apps for Professional Edition Dreamforce session is now up on the Dreamforce blog.
You can download a PDF/PPT of the slides as well as watch a video.
Quite a few of our customer often want to update checkboxes in Salesforce. To the un-initiated a checkbox in salesforce is a boolean (basically a True or False and using it means you get a nice looking box on your form that is either ticked (for true) or not ticked (for false)).
As nice as these are, from an integration perspective they are a pain in the ****. Why? Well, Salesforce treats checkboxes as booleans - That means that when you export the information from Salesforce it comes out as a one or zero. And, when you pass information back in to Salesforce you can only set 0,1 or True/False. This gives two problems, firstly displaying pre-selected information in Clicktools and second, pushing information back in to Salesforce
So what options do you have?
Option 3 is quite clever as it presents a checkbox that people can select. This involves putting the following html '<p style=color: white>1</p>' in against the Option value in Clicktools which ends up looking in the survey like this:
The option is set to be 1 but, it is displayed as white so it can't be seen by the person completing the form. It's an acceptable solution and looks ok. We will come up with something better though - soon.
If you are capturing case/support feedback and want to integrate with Salesforce, I think the best way to do this is by storing the feedback response in to two objects.
First, pass the feedback about the operational aspects of the case (e.g. speed of response, professionalism etc.) in to the case itself and pass any overall Key Feedback Indicators (KFIs. E.g. Loyalty, advocacy and overall satisfaction) in to a generic custom object. This way you can store KFIs from many different surveys in one place and use reports and dashboards as required.
The screen below shows an example of how this operational feedback can be stored against a case:
You can see we have also used a graphic formula field to show an amazon style rating for the case. In this instance, the rating is made up from the scores given to three questions.
We also use a generic 'KFI' object to capture the overall feedback. Link the KFI to the case but, in addition, classify what type of survey it was, maintain a link to the survey and again used a formula field to display an Amazon style rating. This KFI can be seen from the case as a related list but also, powerfully, enables us to report on the same KFIs across many different surveys.
I think this is the best combination of capturing feedback for cases. It has the power for individual line managers and support teams to see and understand how they deal with individual cases but also enables senior management teams to see how different operational issues affect loyalty, advocacy and overall satisfaction.
There really is no point in collecting feedback unless you are going to do something with it -this approach really helps to turn insight in to action.
This blog started because during Dreamforce, some of our customers, asked me to start documenting some opinions, hints and tips about our product and how best to use it. As these don't really fit in to anything formal; this is the result.
About Clicktools for AppExchange So, what is Clicktools for AppExchange all about and why are we winning more and more customers? Well, simply, our application enables customers to create custom forms, surveys and landing pages. Once completed, the information entered can be used to create or update ANY information in salesforce.
1. Can we create/update custom objects (called Cobjects by some people within sfdc:)?
2. Can we createupdate multiple objects in one landing page, form or survey?