Monday, March 12, 2007

Analysts review of Clicktools for AppExchange

Please find below a review of Clicktools for AppExchange by Infiniti Research.

Infiniti Review

We score a strong 4.5 out of 5 with the only highlighted weakness being the omission of 'standard' surveys. Interestingly, this is something we used to include but we removed them as 90% of our customers had their own.

We do have sample surveys coming out of our ears so, as a result of this feedback, we will be including some standard surveys that map to Salesforce objects in our starter kit.


Eugene Chan said...

This is a great "alternative" method to get data between salesforce and clicktools. I just discovered this after building our survey in Clicktools first (which is terribly useful to know) but I can see this being useful for other colleagues here at our organization.

eugene chan
community technology foundation of california

PS: The webinars are superhelpful.

Eugene Chan said...
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